The Holy Spirit is Here

This page is for testimonies from youth to be confirmed, their sponsors, parents, and teachers of how they have witnessed persons using a gift of the Holy Spirit in their life.

  Wisdom      Understanding   Counsel          Fortitude          Knowledge          Piety              
                       Fear of the Lord (reverence)

How has someone made "the choice" to be their best?  How has someone not held back in doing their best?  How has someone acted with Jesus in mind?  How have they prayed for inspiration?  How has the sacred scriptures inspired them?  How has the Eucharist transformed them?  How has the Holy Spirit prompted them?  How has the Church been their anchor?  How have they spread the Good News of the Gospel?  How have they exhibited their holiness?   

You can share your thoughts in the comments section below - or - share what you have witnessed with your teacher, Fr. Fred, Mrs. Gerke, Deacon John and tell them it is okay to post what you have witnessed on this page.  Posts can be anonymous.


  1. I witnessed Mr. VonderMeulen, speaking with reverence and courage at a meeting yesterday.

  2. I know my uncle he is extremely knowledgeable and with his knowledge i can grow and become a wiser person over the years.

  3. the person who I think has the most wisdom would be my grandfather.

  4. my group had chose our grandfather bc he's very wise and has been through a lot in his life and now he can share it with us to become a better person.

  5. I witnessed my little sister have fear of the lord.

  6. I was assigned to choose someone in my life with the gift of fortitude and in my opinion I think that it would be my mother with the gift of fortitude because she is always willing to do the right thing that would help us and sometimes even people she doesn't know.

    Fortitude: The courage and strength of will to do what you know should, even if that means personal loss or suffering.

  7. Zurri and I chose,Mr.Eiser, With the gift of Knowledge because,because he helps us grow closer to god in our faith.

    1. Yes, our principal, Mr. Eiser, helps us all to be better people by sharing his knowledge.

  8. Baylee and I chose, Mr.Eiser, With the gift of knowledge, because he helps us grow closer to god in our faith.

  9. Most of the time Mrs. Warnecke helps us with our counsel, she helps us decide what is right and what is wrong.

  10. My mom shows the gift of understanding, she is there when you need her.

  11. The gift, Understanding, Father Fred, because he understands God in many ways

  12. my uncle he shows me the gift of understanding, he helps me with thing with god and the church.

  13. Father Fred helps to show us Piety through his homilies and just knowing him we can see that he is close with God and helps us to be close with God

  14. I chose father Fred for fear of the Lord, He shows reverence and respect to God.

  15. Counsel My teachers help me to decide what is right and wrong

  16. Parents and teachers show wisdom, because they are very knowledgeable and experienced.

  17. My parents and guardians possess wisdom. They can pass on information and stories that others don't know about to me and my siblings.

    1. Thank you God for those who share precious stories with us; especially parents and guaridans.

  18. Father fred has piety because he shows he close to god when he's with us

  19. I choose my uncle bc he shows knowledge bc he's always working on something that no ones knows how to do.

  20. Knowledgeable: My mom is is a very knowledgeable person because she helps me with homework and thinks a head.

  21. My sister shows the gift of council. She shows the gift of council when she gives me advice.

  22. One of my friends, Joey, is really close to God. He's always focused when it comes to something important or something related to God. He puts his best efforts into God and the Church, and never really does anything against the Lord.

  23. My father shows council, he always gives me advice that ends with good result.

  24. The parents show the gift of understanding, they show that gift when they understand the true meaning of God's messages in the Gospel

    1. Thank you God for giving us parents who show us how to listen to and follow the Gospel.

  25. I chose Ms. Sandmann as someone who is wise because she guides me with my anxiety and stress when I feel I need to talk to someone

  26. Fr.Fred shows piety by showing that he cares about God and his religious life with the church.

  27. Knowledge: My teacher is a knowledgeable person because she gives me good advices and comprehends me.

  28. I choose my dad because he has wisdom. He is older so he's been through some of the same situations as me, and so he has good insight and advice.

  29. My uncle shows the gift of understanding. He showed it by when he had became a pastor after God had gave him a message. He understood what God was telling him to do.

    1. Praise God for your uncle who witnessed to you how to follow a vocation; especially a religious vocation.

  30. Fortitude: My dad shows fortitude by never being afraid of anything and always going for things even if it's scary.

  31. My mom, she tells me things that will help me in any situation.

  32. Knowledgeable: I chose Father Fred because he is very knowledgeable about God and helps us grow closer to him by going to Mass.

  33. Council: I said Mrs Eva because we can always come to her if we need help or advice. She is always willing to help us.

  34. i would chose my best friend because shes very smart

  35. fortitude: Our teachers because they have to help students stay safe, even though it might mean having to sacrifice their time and energy to help us.

  36. My parents have the gift of understanding because when I make a mistake they understand why I made the mistake.

  37. My Grandma is very wise. She prays all time and you can see that in how she acts and how she explains things.

  38. My mom she understands me what I have to tell her something and she understands me.
