Choosing a Sponsor

Being a sponsor for a Confirmand is not a one-day commitment.  It is a lifetime commitment.  It is not an honorary title.  A sponsor models being a person of faith in church, at home, in the community, and at work or school.  It is a person who is willing to listen and be present during life's highs and lows.  A sponsor is a person who affirms and challenges with a generous love and mercy.  Who can be that person for you?  

Is that person one of your godparents who already has an invested interest in your life?  If so, the Church encourages you to have a godparent be your sponsor to show the close connection between the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.  If not, prayerfully consider who would be the right person for your Confirmation Sponsor.

Chick on the links below for more information:

👉Who decides who can be a Confirmation Sponsor?

👉How to choose a sponsor?

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