Requirements for Confirmation


  • 💦Your child must be Baptized in the Catholic Church.  If your child is baptized in another Christian faith, they must work with the Director of Faith Formation, Mrs. Colleen Gerke, to make a Profession of Faith in the Catholic Church.  (If unbaptized, they must work with Colleen Gerke 
    on becoming a disciple of Jesus in the Catholic tradition and will celebrate Confirmation at a future Easter Vigil Mass and be Confirmed at a later date.)

  • 🎂. Your child must be at least 12 years old on or before November 4, 2020 (the date of Confirmation). 

  • You must complete a St. Clement Confirmation Information Form: click here for English or here for Spanish: haga clic aquí.  It provides all the information needed to record the Confirmation at St. Clement.  Your child will appreciate the canonical records when they decide to marry or become a priest, deacon, religious brother, or sister. 

  • ⛪ Your child must have a desire to be an active member of the Catholic Church and be participating in religious education through St. Clement School, their Catholic School, or a program provided by the Director of Faith Formation.

  • 🙏 Your child is to regularly attend Sunday (Saturday) Mass. 

    🎇 Your child is to participate in the NET Retreat on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 from 8:30 am - 2:00 pm.  Care will be taken to assure all wear masks and maintain the required social distancing.  If you have concerns, please contact the Director of Faith Formation, Colleen Gerke, at (513)641-3176 ext. 163 or,

  • 6. In addition to religion classes and the retreat you are to complete the following:

    👉Using Sign-up Genius, select a Sunday Mass 🙏to receive the blessing and affirmation of the Parish Community.  Click here to sign-up for a Mass.

    👉An initial in person or zoom conversation 💭with Mrs. Gerke about Confirmation.  How do you feel about being confirmed?  What do you want from the Church as you prepare for Confirmation?  Imagine how you might be changed by receiving the sacrament of Confirmation.  Schedule through Sign-up Genius.  Click here to sign-up for a slot on the schedule.  If you missed this interview, it will be done while your child is in school.

    👉 A second in person and/or Zoom Conversation 💭immediately before Confirmation about what has been experienced in preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, questions, and what people still want to learn.  Schedule through Sign-up Genius.  Click here to sign-up on the schedule.


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