NEW: Date and Place

Celebration of Confirmation

Monday, November 9, 2020

7:00 pm

St. Peter in Chains Basilica

325 W 8th St, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (downtown)

Celebrant: Fr. Steve Angi, Vicar General for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

1. Confirmandi and their sponsor are to be in their pew no later than 6:45 pm.  The Church doors will open at 6:30 pm.  Each family will be assigned a pew.  There is room for 8-10 people per pew without social distancing between family members.

2. Confirmandi are to wear clothing that expresses the dignity of the celebration. (Young men should have collared shirts, dress pants and dress shoes.  Young ladies should refrain from sleeveless dresses or shirts as well as dresses and skirts that are short and excessively high heels.

3.  There will be a limited number of guests for the safety of all worshiping so that appropriate social distancing is maintained.  The number of guests per confirmand is TBA.

4. During the Mass for Confirmation:

Candidates are to: 

  1. Stand close enough to Fr. Angie so he can reach them for the anointing.

  1. Respond “Amen” to their reception of the Sacrament. 

Fr. Angi: “Be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit.: 

Candidate: “Amen” 

  1. Look at Fr. Angi  and respond “And with your Spirit “while exchanging the Sign of Peace.  

Fr. Angi: “Peace be with you.” 

Candidate: “And with your Spirit.” 

Sponsors are to: 

Process behind the candidate to Fr. Angi.  Sponsors carry and present Confirmation Name Cards          
             to Fr. Angi’s assistant as they approach.  The sponsor places his/her right hand on the right shoulder of the
             candidate as the candidate is being confirmed.  The sponsor should assist the candidate to move close to
             Fr. Angi if he is unable to reach them to be anointed.  After the anointing and the Greeting of Peace, the                     newly confirmed and his/her sponsor return to their places. 

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