Guidelines from St. Peter in Chains Basilica

Please note the following information from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati concerning celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation:

·         Those who are sick or experiencing symptoms of illness should not attend the liturgy, and pastors and parish staff should strongly encourage those who are at risk to not attend. If a candidate or sponsor happens to be in such a condition, they should inform the pastor or the appropriate parish staff member, so that accommodation can be made for the individual to be confirmed at a separate time.

·         Attendance should be limited so that social distancing guidelines can be appropriately followed.

·         Any sponsor travelling from another state should observe applicable government guidelines for travel. A proxy can stand in for a sponsor who is unable to attend.

·         Social distancing and public health guidelines and requirements provided by the Archdiocese and State of Ohio are to be followed.

  • Candidates and sponsors should not process in or out for the liturgy; they should be seated in their pews before the liturgy begins.
  • The minister of the sacrament will use hand sanitizer before the anointing with Chrism; he will then use it again after the last candidate has been anointed. The option to anoint using an instrument has been approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; inform the Master of Ceremonies if you prefer this option.
  • During the rite of Confirmation, the candidates will approach in only one line (not two-by-two). The exchange of peace should be verbal only; it should not include a handshake.
  • There will be no offertory procession, no exchange of peace during the Communion Rites, and the Precious Blood will not be distributed to the congregation.
  •     If social distancing cannot be observed for a group photo, no group photo will be taken.

For your care, safety and planning, these are the procedures at the Cathedral for “Worship in Times of Health Concerns”:

·         Please do not enter if you have Covid-19 symptoms, fever or a contagious illness.
·         Face masks are REQUIRED.
·         Please maintain a proper social distance (6 feet) in passing and seating other than with members of the            same household.
·         Please sit only in the available pews.
·         Do not sit at the very end of a pew on the center aisle to allow for proper spacing as the Communion                line  passes.
·         Do not use wipes of any sort on the pews as they may destroy the finish.
·         Please do not hold hands at the Our Father. • There will be no exchange of the Sign of Peace.
·         Please maintain proper social distancing (6 feet) in the Communion line.
·         Please extend arms/hands “fully” for reception of Holy Communion and open flat, placing one hand  
        under the other.
·         Please, for the safety of all, DO NOT expect to receive Holy Communion on the tongue during these 
        times. There will be NO communion from the chalice.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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